Shipping & returns

You can always reachout to us for any shipping or return related questions using the information provided on the Contact Us page.

  • How soon will my order be processed?

We will try our best to process the orders and ship the products as soon as possible. Orders placed before 2pm will be shipped out the same day.

  • How long will it take to delivery my order?

Order delivery times vary by delivery zipcode and location. Our noraml delivery time is 3-4 days, in somecases we may require one or more additional days to deliver.

  • How can I track my order?

If you have signed up for an account on our site, you will be able to check the status of your order. Once the order has been shipped, you will receive an email with tracking details.

  • What are the timings for store pickup?

The offices are open from 9am-6pm. If there is a need to pickup outside of these hours, contact us and our team will be able to assist.

  • Is there a shipping discount for store pickup?

Yes, we offer discount for instore pickup. The discount will be reflected on the final order confirmation screen.

  • How can I cancel my order?

Contact us directly via the numbers provided on our home page. Our team would be able to assist with cancellations, subject to any shipping charges if the order has already been shipped.

  • Is there an option for Self-ship or Pay for your own shipping?

Yes, use the store pickup option and contact us with the details and our team would be able to assist with the dispatches.

  • How long will the refund process take for cancelled orders?

We treat cancellation the same way as new orders and process them the same day. However, the refund process involves banks and their processing times which may take around 5-7 business days for the entire process.

  • Do you offer returns or replacements?

Every situation is different, contact us directly via the numbers provided on our home page and our team would be able to assist accordingly.

We try our best to keep our policies transparent and simple as possible. Feel free to contact us if you have more questions.